Nihongo So-Matome N1 - Reading Comprehension Vue large

Nihongo So-Matome N1 - Compréhension écrite ( ANCIENNE VERSION )

Titre japonais : 日本語総まとめ N1 読解

fiche technique


増補改訂版 4つのポイント
① 色つきで見やすさUP
② 模擬試験を追加
③ 解説や問題の翻訳つき
④ 問題の音声をダウンロード可能(「読解」のみ)

① 1日2ページ6週間で完成
② 身近なテーマ&イラストで親しみやすい紙面
③ 英語・中国語・韓国語の3か国語訳付きで、独習も可能
④ JLPT形式の問題で、試験対策に最適

The "Nihongo So Matome" series of JLPT exam prep books has sold a cumulative total of 1.2 million copies.
It retains all the features that have been well received to date, but it’s more high-powered than ever!
Expanded and revised edition – 4 key points
(1) Better coloring to improve visibility
(2) Mock tests added
(3) Now with detailed explanations and translations of questions
(4) Audio of “Mondai” can be downloaded (Reading Comprehension only)

Features of "Nihongo So Matome"
(1) Completed in 6 weeks, 2 pages a day
(2) Has familiar themes and illustrations on familiar pages
(3) Enables self-directed study with English, Chinese, and Korean translations
(4) Problems in JLPT format, ideal for exam preparation

Editeur Ask
Date de parution 10/2011
ISBN 9784872177657
Langue japonais / anglais / coréen / chinois
Format 18.00 x 26.00