Japanese for Busy People III Vue large

Japanese for Busy People III

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An all-new edition of the all-time best-selling textbook.

Langue : japonais/anglais 

fiche technique


The Revised 3rd Edition of Japanese for Busy People

Since it was first published in 1984, Japanese for Busy People has won acclaim world-wide as an effective, easy to-understand textbook, either for classroom use or for independant study. Now, in a major new revision, the series has been redesigned, updated, and cosolidated to meet the needs of today's students and businesspeople who want to learn natural, spoken Japanese as effectively as possible in a limited amount of time. 

With Japanese for Busy People III : Revised 3rd Edition, students will learn all the grammar necessary for initiating, carrying out, and concluding daily conversations, in both casual and business settings.  The book introduces a range of sentence patterns for expressiong suppositions, impressions, and beliefs; indicating cause, reason, or purpose; describing changes; making suggestions; stating decisions or intentions; and for apologizing and making excuses. In addition, it teaches passive, causative, and causative-passive constructions; honorific and gumble speech; and special expressions for giving and receiving of objetcs and services.

Japanese for Busy People III : Revised 3rd Edition features :

- A free CD containing 73 minutes of listening practice based on 126 dialogues introduced on the book

- 150 kanji, with ample space to practice writing them

- Over 120 illustrations to make the learning process both fun and effectuve

- 16 reading exercices

- Quizzes that allow learners to test their understanding

- Usage, culture, and style notes

Editeur Kodansha
Date de parution 01/07/2015
ISBN 9781568364032
Pages 303
Langue anglais/japonais