Coffret Hayao MIYAZAKI and Ghibli Museum

Iwanami Shoten

fiche technique


Hayao Miyazaki’s drawings reveal all about Ghibli Museum.

Over 900 illustrations compiled in a deluxe 2-volume set.








Inside the Cover Box are the two volumes: CREATING THE GHIBLI MUSEUM and CREATING SPECIAL EXHIBITS




Ghibli Museum, Mitaka, is a place people all around the world wish to visit. Introduced are drawings that shaped its origins.

Since its opening in 2001, Ghibli Museum has become a place that fans of Ghibli films and Director Hayao Miyazaki from around the world wish to visit at least once. The ideas for creating Ghibli Museum’s structure and exhibits were expressed in numerous pictures drawn by Director Miyazaki. Those shaped the origins of Ghibli Museum.


Color illustrations show the voluminous number of images drawn in the twenty years since the Museum’s opening.

Imageboard illustrations drawn in watercolors, rough sketches drawn for instructions to the staff, doodles drawn on note paper—these total a large number. Some 900 selections from the preserved pictures are collected in this two-volume set.


Anecdotes about Director Miyazaki told by the staff spanning the years from the Museum’s opening to recent days.

Not only has Director Miyazaki drawn many pictures for the creation of the Museum and the special exhibits, he has also made various suggestions as he discussed the projects with the staff. Turned into text are anecdotes heard from the staff who listened to his hopes and delusions, from those that were realized to those ideas that were unworkable.


New interviews of Director Hayao Miyazaki and Producer Toshio Suzuki included in these volumes.

Director Miyazaki was interviewed on his recollections of the birth of Ghibli Museum and events leading to the present as he looked back on the twenty years since the opening of the Museum. Also included is an interview with Producer Suzuki who realized Director Miyazaki’s vision by securing support from many people.


English language translations cover nearly all of the explanatory texts, manga, illustrations, and even doodles.

We wish to tell all Ghibli fans around the world how the Museum was developed and what comprises its basic concept. We also wish to have people in other countries understand the fun that Director Miyazaki infuses into his drawings. To this end, we have included English language translations of the descriptive texts, manga, illustrations, memos, and most of the pictures in these volumes.


The large-format two volumes (some 600 pages) are offered as a boxed set.

In order to fulfill our intention of showing in a clear way the many pictures from Ghibli Museum’s conceptual stage to the present, the two oversized volumes come as a boxed set. Creating the Ghibli Museum is a landscape format volume 257 mm high x 350 mm wide, while Creating Special Exhibits is a portrait format volume 350mm high x 257 mm wide.



Creating the Ghibli Museum  Imageboards and Sketches

  •          What Underlies Hayao Miyazaki’s Creativity
  •          Creating a Museum in the Way Films are Created

Conceptualizing the Building as a Whole and its Details at the Same Time

How to Show “How an Animation Film Is Made”

Deciding What Should be Placed and Creating a Stage for Them

Attention to Detail Leads to the Whole

Designing the Museum through Repeated Trial and Error

Unrealized Ideas

  •          The Beginning of Ghibli Museum
  •          Until Ghibli Museum Was Created, After It Was Created

I wanted to create a museum that was like a carnival sideshow       Hayao Miyazaki interview

Ghibli Museum was created by the efforts of many people              Toshio Suzuki interview

  •          English Translation of Nontextual Matter


Creating Special Exhibits  2001–2020

  •          Hayao Miyazaki’s Vision for Exhibit Objects
  •          “‘Castle in the Sky’ and Imaginary Science Fiction Machines”
  •          “HEIDI: Production Artists at Work”
  •          “Aardman Animations: Introducing Our Friends from Britain”
  •          “The Three Bears – A Special Folktale that Should Not Be Made into a Film”
  •          “The Ghibli Forest Short Films – Welcome to the Saturn Theater”
  •          “The Gift of Illustrations – A Source of Popular Culture”
  •          “The Haunted Tower – Perfect Popular Culture”
  •          Other Special Exhibits
  •          Special Exhibit Materials
  •          English Translation of Nontextual Matter
Auteur Studio Ghibli
Editeur Iwanami Shoten
Date de parution janvier 2021
Langue Japonais
Titre original 宮崎駿とジブリ美術館