TRAVELER’S notebook - Camel -

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fiche technique


You can start using the notebook as is, but by adding a zipper case or a pen holder, you can increase its storage capacity. If you add a connecting band, then you can even increase the number of notebook refills that go inside the notebook.

This consists of a simple cow leather cover made in Chiang Mai, Thailand and a refined notebook with Designphil’s original paper used that is made in Japan.

Issues to be aware when buying and how to maintain the leather

How to Set Several Refills to TRAVELER’S notebook with a Connecting Rubber Band

カバー本体H220×W120×D10mm、牛革製 MADE IN THAILAND
ノートリフィルH210×W110×D4mm、無罫、64ページ、MD用紙ステッチャー綴じ MADE IN JAPAN

<Package contents>
Leather Cover / H220 x W120 x D10mm MADE IN THAILAND
Notebook / H210 x W110 x D4mm, Blank, 64 pages, MD Paper (stitch bound) MADE IN JAPAN
Cotton Bag / H240 x W140mm
Spare Rubber Band / Green

Editeur Traveler's Company